

北京高考干货分享 | 高考英语听力练习题

2020-05-28 22:47:11 来源:佚名






北京高考干货分享 | 高考英语听力练题目!英语的训练一定要以做题为主,现在就来看一看我们高考英语听力的练题目吧~下面是小编今天给大家带来的北京高考干货分享 | 高考英语听力练题目,希望可以给各位同学带来帮助,加油!



  1. What does Tom want to do tonight?

  A. Watch TV.

  B. Play football.

  C. Study at home.

  2. What does the man mean?

  A. He’ll do more job hunting.

  B. He’ll take a business trip.

  C. He’ll accept the job offer.

  3. What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Doctor and patient.

  B. Husband and wife.

  C. Boss and employee.

  4. Where are the speakers?

  A. In an office.

  B. In an elevator.

  C. In the street.

  5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

  A. Their city.

  B. A picture.

  C. A trip.




  6. What does the woman think of her life on workdays?

  A. Unhealthy.

  B. Exhausting.

  C. Boring.

  7. What does the man often do on the weekend?

  A. He hangs out with friends.

  B. He plays tennis outdoors.

  C. He works out in a club.


  8. Who played the first “batman” on television?

  A. Mary Tyler Moore.

  B. Roger Moore.

  C. Adam West.

  9. For what was Carl Clark awarded a medal?

  A. His bravery.

  B. His acting skills.

  C. His news reports.


  10. Why doesn’t the man like the holiday for horse racing?

  A. He dislikes watching horse races.

  B. The tickets are expensive.

  C. It has a negative effect.

  11. What festival does the woman like?

  A. Horse racing festival.

  B. Spring Festival.

  C. Thanksgiving Day.

  12. Where are the speakers now?

  A. In New Zealand.

  B. In Australia.

  C. In the US.


  13. Where did the man learn about the report?

  A. On his phone.

  B. In a newspaper.

  C. From the TV news.

  14. How does the woman find the report?

  A. It is surprising.

  B. It is terrible.

  C. It is impractical.

  15. What does the woman say about natural disasters?

  A. They are happening more frequently.

  B. Most are caused by climate change.

  C. Some of them can be preventable.

  16. How many people died from the cold?

  A. About 100.

  B. At least 36.

  C. More than 22.


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  17. How did John Poole prove iPhone slowdowns in certain phones?

  A. By doing tests.

  B. By talking with Apple.

  C. By reading online posts.

  18. What did some people do to solve the problem?

  A. They changed the operating system.

  B. They deleted some software.

  C. They used a new battery.

  19. What did John Poole think Apple had done?

  A. Causing the slowdowns on purpose.

  B. Preventing batteries from exploding.

  C. Improving iPhone performance.

  20. Why did Apple keep its action secret in some users’ opinion?

  A. To protect users’ privacy.

  B. To avoid getting criticized.

  C. To make people buy new iPhones.





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