家教南京站 > 高中辅导


2020-08-06 13:27:30 来源:佚名

福利赠送 | 2021上学期小一至高一资料免费领取>>

特色课程 | 学而思1对1作文课(适用于小初高各年级)!>>

  第三节:短文改错(共10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分15分):







  I saw an accident happening on my way home this afternoon. 76.____

  A girl was crossing the street on a zebra crossing while a young 77.____

  man drives a motorbike towards her. The young man saw the 78.____

  girl and tried to stop, and he drove too fast to stop. He hit the girl 79.____

  and fell off her motorbike. The girl was badly hurt and couldn’t 80.____

  move. The young man didn’t know how to do. I ran to a phone 81.____

  box nearby and dialed 110 to call for the police. Soon the police 82.____

  reached. They sent her to hospital at once. One of the policemen 83.____

  talked to the young man and wrote something down while was 84.____

  talking. It was very dangerous to drive very fast. I think 85.____

  young man shouldn’t drive so fast.

  第四节.书面表达 (满分30分)

  World Youth(monthly)有一“人物”专栏,刊登各国青年人物的图片。你校校友李芳的照片被采用。请根据以下资料,写一段英文说明,以便随图发表。(100词左右)

  姓 名:李芳 性别:女 国籍:中国 出生年月:1967年1月 职业:化学工程师 简历:1985年7月毕业于北京四中,同年进入北大学习,1994年起在上海的一家化学公司工作。 主要事迹:1994年获化学博士学位;一家日本公司高薪聘用,但被她拒绝;1998年因特殊贡献获奖。

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